Many might have a doubt about the weird background color of our blog.Today I decided to clear all doubts and will also be presenting a good fact.A totally white web-site or blog takes about 74W to display and a totally black one takes only about 58W.In this way we can save a lot of energy .Today the world is threatened by global warming,so we must all try and save energy in any way we can.Though otherwise I am very reader friendly,any requests regarding a change of background color will be politely ignored(very frank and sentimental).Moreover I also request the readers to use the energy saving version of google for all their searches.The energy saving version is called"Blackle".This would save a lot of energy as well as dollars.I don't feel that I have the authority to advice my other blogger friends to change the background on their blogs,though if anyone does it,I will consider it an achievement for myself.This step taken by us can be a very good example of sustainable development.Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
pls give ur opinions on this.......